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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Simeon Metev

+49 - (0)421 - 218 5046


Sofia, Bulgaria

1966-1971 Physics study at Sofia University, Bulgaria
Specialization "Quantum Electronics"

1973-1975 Research associate, Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia

1975-1977 Visiting scientist at Lebedev Institute of Physics,
Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow

1977 Doctorate, Lebedev Institute of Physics, Moscow
Subject: "Interaction of powerful IR-laser radiation with metals"

Attainment of scientific degree "Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences"

1977-1987 Professor at Sofia University, Department of Quantum Electronics

Research and teaching in the field of laser techniques, interaction of laser radiation with matter and laser technology

1984 Habilitation
Subject: "Laser-assisted Microtechnology"

Attainment of academic rank "Associate Professor"

1985-1987 Visiting Professor and Humboldt Fellow at Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching at Munich

Research in the field of Laser-Photochemistry

from 1988 Head of department at BIAS - Bremen Institute of Applied Beam Technology, Department "Laser Microtechnology"

Research and Development in the field of Lser-Micromachining,
-Modification and -Synthesis of advanced materials

1. S. Metev: Laser technology in the machine-building industry, electronics and electrotechnics (in Bulgarian), (Kvalima, Sofia 1982)

2. S. Metev (ed.): Laser-assisted modification and synthesis of materials(in English), (University Press, Sofia 1985)

3. V. Veiko, S. Metev: Laser technology in microelectronics (in Russian),(Academic Press, Sofia 1991)

4. S. Metev, G. Sepold (eds.): Excimer Lasers and New Trends in Laser Microtechnology (in English), (Maisenbach Verlag, Bamberg 1993)

5. S. Metev:: Pulsed Laser Deposition of Thin Films - Chapt. IX (Wiley Interscience, New York 1993)

6. S. Metev, V. Veiko: Laser-assisted microtechnology (in English), (Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin 1994,1998)

7. V. Veiko, S. Metev: Laser technology in microelectronics (translation in Chinese), (Opt. Soc. Press, Peking 1996)

1. S. Gyurkovski, S. Metev et al: "Method for determination of the adhesion coefficient of protecting coatings of graphite electrodes", Bulg. Patent No.30205

2. S. Metev, S. Savchenko: Method for preparation of optical scales", Bulg. Patent No. 32388

3. S. Metev, S. Savchenko, V. Veiko, G. Kotov: "Method for pattern generation on thin metal films", Bulg. Patent No. 46927

4. M. Bratoeva, S. Metev et al: "Method for modifying the magnetic properties of metals of the iron group", Bulg. Patent No. 70628

A list of scientific articles in specialized journals.

- articles_Prof_S.Metev.pdf

A list of talks at specialized conferences.

- talks_Prof_S.Metev.pdf